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Mikael Siebenrock
Creative Director

Sara Ritzman

Richard Alm
CEO and Managing Director

Adam Berntsson
Recruiter & B2B sales representative

Brian Hall
Country Sales & Operations manager UK

Isabella Björkman
Financial Assistant

Daniel Kandell
Head of Product Portfolio and Product Development

Kim Kivimäki
Country Sales Manager, Finland
About Sluta Gräv
StopDigging is Sweden's largest supplier of cost-effective ground anchoring via ground screws.
StopDigging's proprietary ground screws are a modern and cost-effective ground anchor that quickly and sustainably creates a stable ground foundation for large and small construction projects. StopDigging was founded in 2012 and is a pioneer in the construction industry with headquarters in Helsingborg.
The company operates globally in the European market, North America, Australia, and New Zealand. The company has over 130 partners, who are authorized installers of StopDigging's ground screw.
Founded in
55 miljoner SEK